L.O.F. Chug Challenge v5


Expertly crafted by Stephen Dixon from Multi Award-Winning Hot Pods Chilli Products and using Pumpkin Spice & Fresh Fatalli Chillies from Cornish Chillies Ltd this #chugchallenge will NOT be an easy task.

Put simply, an entrant endeavours to chug as many bottles of L.O.F. Chug Challenge v5 as they possibly can in one sitting without any food or other fluid!

There are 2 chug methods – “Hot Shots” (2 chugs from a clear glass with a 3 min burn time after each chug) or a “Turbo Chug” (downing the lot straight from the bottle with a 4 min burn time). More details about each method along with the L.O.F. points awarded can be found on the product page.

You must find a way of displaying the time on camera during filming. Take photos of the funniest and most distorted faces and upload to social media using #chugface and tag us! You must be prepared for our L.O.F. team to take screen grabs from your videos for our social media. Please also take time to carefully read the disclaimers before taking the challenge.

The league table below shows the highest number of bottles chugged per challenge in the 1st column. The 2nd column shows the number of additional bottles chugged on different occasions.

LOF World Ranking Points:
  • 4 points for the ‘Hot Shots’ method
  • 3 points for the ‘Turbo Chug’ method
  • 2 points for one ‘Hot Shot’ ½ challenge

*Extra Bonus Points in ascending order for each consecutive Chug in one sitting:

  • 1 bonus point for the 2nd chug;
  • 2 bonus points for the 3rd chug;
  • 3 bonus points for the 4th chug and so on
Additional rules effective from 15 March 2023:
  • No spitting or drooling – if you’re producing saliva, make sure you swallow it!
  • No waiting in excess of 1 minute after burn time during back-to-back challenges.
  • No covering of mouth with tissue/napkin or some such. Wiping of face, nose, and/or mouth is acceptable.


Position Name # Bottles Chugged #Additional Attempts # Total Points
No data available!

L.O.F. Chug Challenge v5 Vids