Spoonfuls of Terror Contestant #2 – Hot Sauce Junkie Tim

28 March 2020 - Written By

Hot Sauce Junkie Tim

This article is about the one and only Tim Nilsestuen from Jackson WIS, USA who is fondly known as the Hot Sauce Junkie! Before we take a look at Tim’s credentials, let us remember why these brave chilli heads are gonna suffer for our entertainment on April 4th. They are hoping to raise money for the Australian wildlife that suffered from those atrocious fires in Australia earlier this year.

You can still donate >>HERE<<

Hot Sauce Junkie (HSJ) Tim has had an online presence for just over 3 years now and in that time his YouTube channel has spawned a cult following. Chilli community devotees will know straight away, when they hear the epigram “I fear no pepper”, they know HSJ Tim is on the scene!

Tim has well and truly earned his place at this event with around 50 crazy challenges in his back catalogue of cramps and convulsions! Way back in the summer of 2019 Tim did a crazy challenge to celebrate reaching 2,000 subscribers on YouTube, in which he consumed a range of incredibly painful chilli products in one live-stream. These items combined amounted to around 30 MILLION SCOVILLE HEAT UNITS!

The Hot Sauce Junkie certainly does not fear any pepper and, just like his opponents on April 4th, has all the bravery required to be a top-notch level chilli head. So far he has completed the Chili Cherry Nightmare challenge, x2 Tubes of Terror in one sitting, x2 LOF Chug Challenges in one sitting, BITES, the Paqui chip and so on.

So are there any chinks in the HSJ armour? The main concern would be, having watched him endure two Tubes of Terror, that he was suffering immensely after that effort, perhaps more than we have seen with any of the other heroes taking part on April 4th. He did struggle to talk and his face seemed to be momentarily paralysed during that crazy challenge, demonstrating just how terrifying the Tubes really are! In his own words, Tim said “(I) started the second Tube, initially I was doing pretty good. Got through about 8 nuts… Then I started to get those signs of your stomach saying ‘dude what are you doing? Your body is not meant for this much heat’”!

It has been known that certain types of challenges don’t sit as well with some people as other types of challenges, for example somebody may excel at eating multiple fresh pods, but suffer disproportionately from some spicy nuts or chocolate… Could the Tube of Terror be the Hot Sauce Junkie’s Achilles Heel?

  • Full Name: Tim Nilsestuen
  • Chilli Name: Hot Sauce Junkie
  • YouTube Channel: hotsaucejunkie tim
  • YouTube Subscribers: 3.9k
  • Greatest Chilli Achievement: His 2k Subscriber Celebration Live-Stream multi-challenge
  • Current LOF World Ranking: 16 out of 148 Chilli Heads!
  • Greatest LOF Achievement: 2 Tubes 0f Terror in one sitting
LOF Prediction for the Spoonfuls of Terror Challenge: 3 Tubes

We think Tim could be the underdog in this battle and wonder if this dog will have his day! He could be motivated by the huge worldwide audience and with his enchanting wife Kate by his side (Kate being a huge influence to Tim and his heat seeking escapades) who knows how far Tim can push himself. We have seen him victorious in front of a live crowd at the Chicago Hot Sauce Fest last year when he won the Deep Dish of Doom challenge on stage. It is just THAT aftermath video of Tim suffering from those two Tubes of Terror that lead us to predict he will conquer 3 Tubes and beat his own personal best, but that 4th Tube may just be a nut too far!

What do you think? Please let us know in the comments!